全国 [切换]


四川成都 全部类型 2024年06月27日


成都高都建设开发有限责任公司(下称“征集单位”)与四川成与诚招标代理有限公司(下称“征集代理 ”),就都江堰青城合作片区城市设计方案国际征集,拟面向全球公开邀请具有相关城市设计经验的申请人前来应征。本次征集将通过公开资格预审的方式择优选择三(3)位应征人参加征集。欢迎符合资格条件的申请人提交资格预审《申请文件》。

CHENGDU GAODU CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD (Host), CDHTIINDUSTRIAL and Sichuan Cheng and Cheng bidding agency Co., LTD (Solicitation Agent) appeal International solicitation for urban design proposals for the Qingcheng-Dujiangyan cooperation area. In this solicitation, three (3) participants will be selected through public prequalification process. We publicly invite applicants worldwide with relevant planning experience to participate and submit the APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification.

一、征集背景/The Background of Solicitation








(1) Implement the strategic deployment of "building a world-class tourism destination" in Sichuan Province and support the construction of a world-class tourism destination

Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and provincial government put forward the strategic plan of "accelerating the construction of an important tourism destination in the world, making Sichuan cultural tourism famous in the world and enjoying a global reputation", and identified Chengdu as "the international first-class benchmark, the world famous tourism city, and the leading province in the construction of an important tourism destination in the world". It also puts forward some requirements for Dujiangyan to strive for world-class tourist attractions, build world-class tourist products and cultivate international high-quality tourist routes.

(2) Thoroughly implement the strategic deployment of "three excellence and strength" of Chengdu Municipal Committee, and promote high-quality development and construction of the district

As one of the 24 key areas in the city, Dujiangyan World Tourism Destination Key Area is the "demonstration area" in Chengdu's new Development Concept Park City Demonstration Zone. According to the requirements of Chengdu's promotion of "Three excellence and strength" to improve the overall function of the city and the construction of Chengdu Park City Demonstration Zone, cultural inheritance and innovation will be realized through the integration of culture and tourism. Support Chengdu to build a world cultural city.

Qingcheng Mountain is an important part of the Qingcheng-Dujiangyan World Cultural Heritage Site, and is one of the birthplaces of Taoism in China, known as "worship the water Dujiangyan, ask Qingcheng Mountain" reputation. Qingcheng Cooperation Area, as one of the three sub-areas of the key area of Dujiangyan World tourism destination, will take landscape as the background, ecology as the feature, culture as the soul, health as the carrier, and tourism as the link, and make every effort to build the "Daqingcheng" brand.

(3) Seize the opportunity of the development of Chengdu's urban (city) and county pairs to promote the level of urban services

Promoting the coordinated development of districts (cities) and counties is an innovative practice to implement the new development concept, serve and integrate into the new development pattern, a pragmatic move to further implement the coordinated regional development strategy, solve the problem of unbalanced and inadequate development, and explore the path to promote the transformation and development of megacities. This work should firmly grasp the important opportunities of the Municipal Party Committee to promote the comprehensive development of the area and the opportunities of pairing linkage cooperation, give full play to the advantages of Chengdu High-tech Zone, such as high energy level and strong development ability, fully rely on the resource endowment characteristics of the three ring districts (cities) and counties, and convenient conditions such as the operation of municipal railway public transport, promote each other, enable each other and achieve each other, and accelerate the cultivation and formation of new quality productivity. We will expand the space for development and upgrade the level of development.

二、征集程序/The Procedures of Solicitation

1. 资格预审/Prequalification


The Host, the Organizer and the Solicitation Agent will setup a prequalification evaluation committee to examine and evaluate the APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification. Three (3) participants will be selected through prequalification to participate in the solicitation activities.

2. 最终方案评审/Final Proposal Evaluation


The Final Proposal Evaluation Committee is composed of representatives of the Host or Organizer and experts from relevant professional background. The final proposal evaluation committee will comprehensively evaluate the Planning Proposals to rank the proposals of the three (3) participants.

3. 中选方案的确定/Final Winner


After ing the proposal evaluation result to the governmental authorities, the Host and Organizer will determine one of the three (3) Planning Proposal as the final winning proposal.

4. 后续深化咨询服务/Further Deepening Consultation Service


The final winner will complete the further deepening consultation according to the entrustment of the Host and Organizer. The further deepening consultation service shall include: Systematically organize and integrate the planning proposals, including but not limited to planning logic and ideas, design intentions, design plans, planning positioning, and other contents; make targeted adjustments based on the opinions of the governmental authorities, Host and Organizer; finalize the completed planning document.

三、征集内容/Scope of Solicitation

1. 项目名称/Project Name



Dujiangyan Qingcheng cooperation area urban design scheme international solicitation.

This international consulting activity intends to solicit the most creative urban design concepts and schemes from home and abroad, adhere to the concept of "world vision, international standards, Chinese characteristics, high point positioning", and build Qingcheng Cooperation Area into an ecological city hidden in the mountains and rivers, and build a source of new quality productivity, cultural inheritance and innovation, and a gathering place for top talents.

2. 项目区位/Project Location


The area is located in the south of Dujiangyan City, about 40km away from Chengdu, 70km away from Chengdu Shuangliu Airport and 120km away from Tianfu International Airport. The area is connected to Aba to the west and Chongzhou to the south, and can also connect to several well- known tourist attractions such as Siguniang Mountain through high-speed highways and National Highway 317. It is an important tourism hub in western Sichuan. The research scope covers the main axis of Dujiangyan-Qingcheng Mountain World Heritage Cultural Tourism, covering an area of about 70 square kilometers.

项目区位图 Map of Project Location

3. 设计范围


This international competition consists of two levels of scope, namely the overall urban design scope and the detailed urban design scope of key area.


The overall urban design scope is the Qingcheng cooperation area of Dujiangyan, west to Huaihe Road - Huanshan Road, south to Hongxing Road - Mantao Road - Taiping Hua Road, east to Shagou River west planning road, north planning road, with a total area of 11.3 square kilometers. The total area of the detailed urban design of the key areas is 3.6 square kilometers, of which the key area of Mangcheng covers 2.7 square kilometers (top priority, express key point), which is located in the southeast of Qingcheng cooperation area; The key area of high-speed rail hub covers 0.9 square kilometers and is located in the northwest of the region.


In order to comprehensively study and highlight the regional characteristics of Qingcheng Mountain, it is suggested to include the key area of Dujiangyan World Tourism Destination, the Mangcheng Ruins and the key resources of Qingcheng Mountain scenic spot (including the front mountain and the back mountain) into the research scope, and consider the coordination relationship of ecological resource characteristics, cultural tourism projects, industrial projects and spatial resources of each region.


Scope Diagram of Qingcheng Mountain Sub-area

4. 设计条件和规划条件

Design conditions and planning conditions


tale quale


Resource endowments


道文化:青城道韵,是道蜀文化的集大成者、道教发祥地、道家“第五洞天”。青城山集道教文化、古建筑文化、青城武功、 青城易学、青城丹法于一山之中,被誉为“活的道教博物馆”,由此影响到整个东南亚人文思想发展,在道教历史上是东亚影响最广的区域之一。




Qingcheng Mountain: The main scenic spot of the World cultural Heritage Qingcheng Mountain - Dujiangyan, the national key cultural relic protection unit, the national key scenic spot. The whole mountain forest green, evergreen, Zhufeng ring Zhi, if the shape of the city, so the name Qingcheng Mountain. Qingcheng Mountain is divided into the front mountain and the back mountain, Dan ladder thousand levels, winding paths through you, to win the quiet, enjoy the "Qingcheng world quiet" reputation.

Tao culture: Qingcheng Tao rhyme, is the master of Tao Shu culture, the birthplace of Taoism, Taoism "fifth cave heaven". Qingcheng Mountain is known as the "living Taoist museum", which gathers Taoist culture, ancient architecture culture, Qingcheng martial arts, Qingcheng Yi Learning and Qingcheng Dan Fa in one mountain. It has influenced the development of humanistic thoughts in the whole Southeast Asia and is one of the most influential areas in East Asia in the history of Taoism.

Mangcheng Site: the representative of ancient Shu culture, one of the eight ancient cities of ancient Shu Baotun culture, is of great significance for exploring the origin of civilization and the formation of the country in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

Intangible cultural heritage: Qingcheng Cooperation Area has two provincial intangible cultural heritages, namely Qingcheng Martial Arts and Qingcheng Cave Classics and ancient music, as well as a number of municipal and county-level intangible cultural heritages.

Shagou River: that is, Gushiniu Weir, is one of the main trunk canals of the river outside Dujiangyan, located on the east side of Qingcheng Cooperation Area, and the Black Stone River diverts water from Shaheihe Gate, along the way successively receives small mountain streams around Qingcheng Mountain, and infuses into the Xihe River through Dujiangyan City to Chongzhou City.


Current construction situation



Current built land: The current built land in the area is mainly concentrated between Huanshan Road and S106 Provincial Road, and part of the area north of Juqing Road.

Reserve land: The reserve land is concentrated in the large area near the Mangcheng site in the north and southeast, with large space for future development and improvement.


Qingcheng cooperative area of the current control of land use and three districts and three lines schematic diagram


Current traffic situation


Qingcheng cooperative area of the current control of land use and three districts and three lines schematic diagram




Rail transit: Chengguan high-speed rail: from Chengdu to Qingcheng Mountain, 25 minutes from Xipu station convenient to arrive; Dujiangyan M-TR tourism passenger line: north-south series Guanxian Ancient city - Wanda Cultural Tourism city - Panda Valley - Qingcheng Mountain and other core attractions.

External backbone network: the external arrivals rely on the expressway Chengdu Three Loops, and the people from Dujiangyan mainly rely on the trunk expressway Qingchengshan Avenue and Guanyuan Road to enter this area, with good accessibility overall.

Internal road traffic: the main road traffic network in the internal built-up area has basically formed, but the network density is insufficient; The road network in the undeveloped area has not been laid.


Planning condition


Current control planning land layou


The design areas are located within the urban development boundaries and do not occupy permanent basic farmland. The residential land (R) and commercial land (B) were the main control land, accounting for 36.23% and 33.81% respectively.


The design scheme should follow the three zones and three lines of territorial space. The current control regulations are only for reference and can be adjusted according to the rationality of the scheme.



space structure


This work is based on the Concept Planning of the Key Area of Dujiangyan World Tourism Destination, combined with the landscape ecology and industrial development pattern of the area, and the spatial development structure of "one axis, one core and three pieces" is basically anchored. The design unit shall respect the above spatial structure and the leading functions of each region, but can carry out creative planning and moderate adjustment.


Qingcheng cooperative area spatial structure diagram


Building height limit


According to the relevant regulations, the overall height limit of Qingcheng Cooperation area is 24 meters, and the design unit shall strictly abide by the aviation height limit when conducting the spatial form organization, and shall not break the regulation.


City interface


In order to give full play to the advantages of natural mountains and rivers, cultural deposits and other resources in Qingcheng Cooperation area, highlight regional characteristics, create a poetic dwelling scene in which the city is surrounded by mountains and rivers, the buildings are hidden under the thick forest and bamboo, the talents are gathered by the side of mountains and rivers, the innovation source is on the quiet mountain and quiet valley, and the body and mind are relaxed in the mountains and fields.


Implementation of recent construction projects





There are three recent construction projects within the design scope, which are international talent community and cultural theme hotel. The design unit should focus on the detailed urban design plan of the key areas, and the location and scale can be appropriately adjusted according to the rationality of the plan.

International talent community: It is a high-end residential community, the overall floor area ratio is controlled below 1.0, and the connection with Shagou River should be considered to create a community environment of urban garden integration and urban water symbiosis.

Cultural theme hotel: It is a comprehensive hotel, presenting Chinese architectural style as a whole, and should have functions such as international exchanges, government affairs, business reception, and conferences.

Taiji Bay industrial function core: mainly for public open space, water into the city, surrounding layout of culture, sports, awards industry and other functions.


Important reminder


development thinking, and should not be unrealistic, require a large amount of financial investment is difficult to land, and does not conform to the development logic of the design.


The overall style of urban design is dominated by Eastern aesthetics, atmospheric and elegant, free and comfortable, and it is not appropriate to carry out too Western, too modern, too alien design.


The urban design should reflect the ecological priority, create a different spatial intention from the traditional urban area, and the renderings should highlight the ecology, weaken the building volume and density, and weaken the sense of order.


The general plan (functional location), land layout, bird's eye view, and key area renderings of the presentation plan are the core drawings.

5. 设计内容和要求/The Design Requirements of the PROPOSAL

设计内容 Contents




Proposal solicitation phase


Focus on program design, should include at least the following 6 aspects

(1)设计理念Design concept


Clarify the core problems and main development directions of the area, propose innovative and forward-looking core concepts and design countermeasures in line with regional development characteristics, and benchmark the development experience of similar areas at home and abroad, including but not limited to Karuizawa in Japan and Hsinchu Science Park in Taiwan Province, to clarify the core value of the area.

(2)用地布局layout of land use

结合片区山水生态及产业发展格局,提出片区空间发展结构,论证商(含旅)、产、研、居比例关系及规模需求,科学布局生态、生产、生活功能,形成体现公园城市理念、体现青城山地方特色的用地布局方案。In combination with the landscape ecology and industrial development pattern of the area, the spatial development structure of the area is proposed, the proportional relationship between business (including tourism), production, research and housing and the scale demand are demonstrated, the ecological, production and living functions are scientifically arranged, and the land layout plan reflecting the concept of park city and the local characteristics of Qingcheng Mountain is formed.

(3)功能布局function layout


(4)空间形态spatial form

立足片区功能产业和资源特色,从整体城市空间秩序、视线通廊、城市景观风貌进行整体构思与设计,塑造优美的空间形态、具有地域特色的景观风貌。Based on the functional industry and resource characteristics of the area, the overall conception and design are carried out from the overall urban space order, sight corridor and urban landscape style, and the beautiful spatial form and landscape style with regional characteristics are created.

(5)系统支撑system support management


We will integrate the concepts of integration of industry and city, balance between jobs and housing, green and low-carbon, and smart governance, and propose supporting plans for special systems such as natural ecology, housing system, public services, transportation system, and municipal facilities

(6)重要节点详细设计Detailed design of important nodes


二、深化咨询阶段Deepening consultation phase

应在方案征集阶段成果的基础上,整合各应征单位设计方案,并围绕以下5个方面深入研究,最终形成深化方案。On the basis of the results of the scheme solicitation stage, the design scheme of each applicant unit should be integrated, and the following five aspects should be deeply studied to form a deepening scheme.

(1)空间设计深化Deepening of space design


(2)用地方案深化Deepening of land use plan

整合各应征单位方案成果,落实功能体系研究与空间设计,按照控制性详细规划的深度,深化用地方案。Integrate the program results of each applicant unit, implement functional system research and space design, and deepen the land use plan according to the depth of controlled detailed planning.

(3)精细化管控图则Fine control plan

基于系统性、协同性形成重点区域设计管控图则,分解落实各功能体系要素,根据用地建设状态,提出刚性和弹性指标,形成图示化的管控内容。Based on systematic and collaborative design control plans for key areas, decomposition and implementation of functional system elements, rigidity and elasticity indicators are proposed according to land construction status, and graphical control contents are formed.

(4)综合开发计划Comprehensive development plan


(5)专题研究monographic study

1) 城水共生专题:把握都江堰城水共生特点,发挥青城合作片区****



Proposal Depth

方案视频会交流阶段,应完成片区用地资源梳理,结合过往规划设计经验,提出本项目设计理念,形成本项目用地布局初步方案,并从空间和视觉角度,提出初步方案和意向效果展示。In the video exchange stage of the plan, the land resources of the area should be sorted out, the design concept of the project should be put forward in combination with the past planning and design experience, the preliminary plan of the land layout of the project should be formed, and the preliminary plan and intention effect should be presented from the perspective of space and vision.


成果内容 Content





The design results should be able to express the planning ideas completely and clearly, and be conducive to publicity and display. Specific contents include but are not limited to the following:

1. Urban design

The overall urban design optimization idea of Qingcheng Cooperative area is proposed, and the overall positioning, goal vision, industrial development, spatial layout, public space design, spatial form, important node design, traffic organization and other contents are elaborated in detail. The contents should be illustrated with pictures and illustrated, and emphasized in the document.

In principle, the should not exceed 100 pages, and it is suggested that background analysis should not exceed 8 pages, case evaluation should not exceed 10 pages, positioning and goal vision should not exceed 5 pages, and program should not be less than 60 pages.



Overall urban design of Qingcheng cooperative area




现状分析图Current situation analysis chart


城市设计总平面图General plan of urban design


城市设计总体鸟瞰图General aerial view of urban design


空间结构与功能板块示意图Spatial structure and functional block diagram


用地布局及用地功能规划图(含控制指标)Land layout and land function plan (including control index)


风貌控制引导图Style control guide map


特色空间场景效果图Characteristic space scene renderings


设计方认为可提供的其他图纸Other drawings deemed available by the designer

(2)重点区域详细城市设计Detailed urban design of key areas




城市设计总平面图General plan of urban design


城市设计鸟瞰图Aerial view of urban design


用地布局及用地功能规划图(含控制指标)Land layout and land function plan (including control index)


核心空间产品设计效果图Core space product design renderings


公共开放空间规划图Public open space plan


生态空间体系规划图Ecological space system planning map


居住体系规划图Housing system planning map


公共服务设施体系规划图Public service facilities system planning map


交通系统规划图Transportation system plan


市政基础设施体系规划图Municipal infrastructure system planning map


地下空间开发利用规划指引lanning guidelines for underground space development and utilization


建筑高度、开发强度引导图Building height and development intensity guide map


景观视线分析图Landscape sight analysis map


三维形态分析图Three-dimensional morphological analysis diagram


重要节点相关设计图及效果图Relevant design drawings and renderings of important nodes


设计方认为可提供展示设计的其他图纸The Designer considers that other drawings showing the design can be provided







3. Specification and quantity of results

(1) Urban Design : A3 specification (297mm×420mm), horizontal plate, 8 copies, length not more than 100 pages, using double-sided coated paper printing, binding;

(2) Display board: A0 specification, mounted on KT board, 8 pieces;

(3) Multimedia presentation system: MP4, AVI or WMV format, the time is controlled in about 2 minutes, pure model animation rendering, without explanation;

(4) On-site presentation file: PPT or PDF format;

(5) Electronic documents: Submit on CD or USB flash drive in 2 copies, including the planning study (PPT, doc file or editable PDF file), CAD drawing (DWG file), 3D digital model file (Sketchup or 3Dmax file format for inclusion in the city simulation platform), review and display drawing (A0, A0, DWG) 300DPI JGP or PDF file), multimedia presentation system (MP4, AVI or WMV format), on-site presentation file (PPT or PDF file), etc.

四、征集计划/Schedule of Solicitation




2024 年 6月 26 日 June 26ST, 2024



2024 年 6月 27日 9 时起

FROM 9:00, June 27ST, 2024



2024 年 7 月 1 日 17 时 17:00, July 1TH, 2024



2024 年 7 月 4 日 10 时 10:00, July 4TH, 2024



2024 年 7 月 5 日(暂定) July 5TH, 2024 (TENTATIVE)



2024 年 7 月 8 日(暂定) July 8TH, 2024 (TENTATIVE)



2024 年 7 月 9 日(暂定) July 9TH, 2024 (TENTATIVE)



2024 年 7 月 16 日- 8 月 13 日(暂定)

July 16TH_August 13TH , 2024 (TENTATIVE)


Program communication video meeting (once a week, each unit reports for 15 minutes)

2024 年 8 月 14 日(暂定)

August 14TH, 2024(TENTATIVE)



2024 年 8 月 15 日(暂定)

August 15TH, 2024 (TENTATIVE)







Address: China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, Chengdu High-Tech Zone, Tianfu Avenue North Section 1700, New Century Global Center S1 District, 16th Floor, Room 1625


Postcode: 610041


Contactors: Hu Hao

联系电话 Telephone :****

邮箱 Email :

网址 Website :www.sccyczb.cn

六、 申请人的资格要求/ Eligibility and Qualifications Requirements

1. 申请人须具有独立承担民事责任的能力,不接受自然人参与应征。

An Applicant must have the ability to bear civil liability independently and the participation of natural person is not accepted.

2. 申请人须具有城乡规划或建筑设计甲级资质 ,申请人须具有城市****

The applicant shall have Grade A qualification in urban and rural planning or architectural design, and the applicant shall have experience and ability in urban planning and urban design projects.

3. 本项目接受联合体。

The Consortium is accepted in this Project.

3.1 本次征集以城市****

This solicitation focuses on urban design. Applicants may choose to prequalify individually or in a consortium. If participating in the form of a consortium, the lead person of the consortium shall undertake the main design work, and the lead person shall have the Grade A qualification of urban and rural planning or architectural design.

3.2 如果以联合体形式参加资格预审,联合体的成员数量不得超过两(2)家,其中牵头人必 须满足上述第 2 条的资格要求。

In case of participating in the prequalification in the form of consortium, the number of members of the consortium shall not exceed three (3), and the leader of consortium must meet the qualification requirement of Article 2 above.

3.3 联合体的组成以提交的资格预审《申请文件》为准。联合体各方不得再以自己名义单独 参与本次征集活动,也不得同时加入参与本次征集活动的其他联合体,否则,相关《申请文 件》均被否决。

Each member constituting the Consortium must no longer apply for prequalification separately in its own name again, nor join other consortiums at the sametime, otherwise the relevant Application Documents will be rejected.

3.4 联合体的各成员应共同签署一份联合体协议,协议需明确各成员单位分工。

A consortium agreement shall be signed by all partners of the Consortium, the division of labor of each membershall be clarified in the agreement.

七、《资格预审文件》的获取/Obtaining of PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS

1. 凡有意参加本次方案征集活动的潜在申请人,请于 2024 年 6 月 27 日 09:00 时至 2024 年 7 月 1 日17:00 时(北京时间,下同),在四川成与诚招标代理有限公司网站(http:****,下同)在线领取《资格预审文件》。

All potential Applicants who are interested in participating in this Project can download the PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENT through Sichuan Cheng and Cheng bidding agency Co., LTD Website (http:****) from 9:00 27th June, 2024 to 17:00 1th July, 2024 (Beijing Time, same hereinafter).

2. 文件获取方式:

2.1 线上办理方式:登录我司指定网站(http:****)免费注册后查询到相应项目在线报名并获取资格预审文件。

2.2 获取资格预审文件时需要提供的资料:提供单位介绍信、经办人身份证明;


2. Document Acquisition Method:

2.1 Online Processing Method: Log in to our designated website (http:****) and register for free to view the relevant project and sign up online to obtain the documents.

2.2 Materials required to obtain the pre qualification documents: provide a letter of introduction from the unit and proof of identity of the handling person.

Note: Scanned copies with official seals are required for all the above information. Pre qualification qualifications cannot be transferred.


The Consortium’s Application Documentshall be accepted when any member of the Consortium has registered and has the download record of the Prequalification Document. There is no need to clarify the composition of the Consortium at the stage of Prequalification Document Acquisition. The composition of the Consortium shall be specified in its submitted Application Document.

4. 申请人成功领取《资格预审文件》并不意味着其资格条件符合要求。申请人是否符合本公告 第六条“申请人的资格要求”由资格预审评审委员会判定。

An Applicant's successful acquisition of the Prequalification Document does not mean that it is eligible for this Project. Whether an Applicant meets the requirements of Article 6 in this Announcement is determined by the Prequalification Jury.

八、资格预审《申请文件》的提交/Submission of APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification

1.资格预审《申请文件》以纸质文件和电子文件形式递交。电子文件包括全套正本《申请文件》的 PDF 扫描件和 PPT 文件。纸质文件3 套(正本 1 套、副本 2 套),申请人应当确保其 提交的资格预审《申请文件》的电子文件和纸质文件内容一致。当资格预审《申请文件》的电子文件与纸质文件内容不一致时,以纸质文件为准。

2.《申请文件》现场递交地点:四川成与诚招标代理有限公司开标厅[中国(四川)自由贸易试验区****];递交截止时间:****上午10:00 时(北京时间)。逾期递交的《申请文件》将不被接受。


1. The pre-qualification Application Documents shall be submitted in paper and electronic form. The electronic documents include a scanned PDF copy of the full set of the original Application Documents and a PPT file. 3 sets of paper documents (1 set of original, 2 sets of copies), the applicant shall ensure that the content of the electronic documents and paper documents submitted by the prequalification "Application Documents" are consistent. In case of any inconsistency between the electronic document and the paper document of the prequalification Application, the paper document shall prevail.

2. On-site submission of Application Documents: Bid Opening Hall of Sichuan Chenghecheng Tendering Agency Co., LTD. [1625, 16th Floor, S1, New Century Global Center, 1700 Tianfu Avenue North, High-tech Zone, Chengdu, China (Sichuan) Free Trade Zone]; Deadline for submission: 10:00am 4th July , 2024 (Beijing time). Late submission of Application Documents will not be accepted.

The time for the applicant to submit the prequalification "Application Document" is subject to the time received, and any submission after the deadline will not be accepted.

九、公告发布的媒体/Media Releasing Announcement on Solicitation

资格预审公告和《资格预审文件》、对资格预审公告和《资格预审文件》的修改和补充(如有) 以及资格预审结果公告在以下网站上发布:

The Prequalification Announcement, Prequalification Document, any amendment or supplement of them (if any), and the Announcement of Prequalification Results are published on the following websites:


China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform (www.cebpubservice.com)


The website of SICHUAN SUCCESS HONESTY TENDERING CO.,LTD. (www.sccyczb.cn)

十、征集补偿费和深化咨询费/Compensation Fee and Further Consultation Fee

1. 征集补偿费/Compensation Fee

征集单位将向递交了完整和有效的《应征文件》的应征人各支付征集补偿费人民币 100 万元(含税)。

The collection unit will pay the collection compensation of RMB 1 million yuan (tax included) to each applicant who has submitted the complete and valid Application Documents.

2. 当应征人出现下列情况时,征集单位不予支付征集补偿费:

Under the following circumstances the Host and Organizer are entitled to refuse to pay the compensation fee:

2.1 应征人未按规定时间递交完整的《应征文件》的; PROPOSAL is not submitted on time and completely;

2.2 应征人递交的《应征文件》被专家评审委员会认定为未对《征集文件》的要求作出实质性的响应;

PROPOSAL is judged by the scheme evaluation committee not substantially responding to the requirements of the SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS;

2.3 方案征集期间,应征人的资格条件发生变化,不能达到上述第六条规定的资格要求,被取消应征人资格。

The Participant has been disqualified during the scheme solicitation period, if the qualification conditions of the Participant change and fail to meet the requirements of the above Article 6 Eligibility and Qualifications Requirements.

3. 深化咨询费/Further Consultation Fee


The candidate selected in the scheme will complete the follow-up deepening of consulting services according to the entrustment of the collection unit. To this end, the collection unit will pay the selected candidate an in-depth consulting fee of 4.5 million yuan (including tax).

4. 以上征集补偿费和深化咨询费均已含中国境内、外应缴纳的各项税费。

The above compensation fee and further consultation fee has included all taxes and fees that should be paid inside and outside the People's Republic of China.

十一、 其它条款/Other Terms

1. 知识产权/Intellectual Property Rights

1.1 应征人承诺其拥有其提供服务时编制的所有图纸、说明、电子文档和其它相关文件的合法权 利和知识产权。征集单位在支付了征集补偿费和深化咨询费(如有)后,应征人递交的设计成果除署名权等人身权利以外的所有权和著作权归征集单位所有。经征集单位书面同意后,应征人可通过传播媒介、专业杂志、书刊或其他形式评价、展示其设计成果的相关内容。征集单位和应征人均不能将设计成果部分或全部地 用于本项目之外的其他项目。

All Participant promises that it has the legal rights and intellectual property rights of all drawings, descriptions, electronic documents and other relevant documents prepared when it provides services. After the compensation fee and further consultation fee (if any) has been paid, the ownership and copyright other than the right of authorship belong to the Host and Organizer. With the written consent of the Host and Organizer, the Participants can evaluate and display the relevant contents of the planning proposal through the media, professional magazines, books or other forms. None of the parties can use the planning proposal in part or in whole for projects other than this Project.

1.2 应征人应保证递交的设计成果在中国境内或境外没有且不会侵犯任何其他人的知识产权(包 括但不限于著作权、专利权)或专有技术或商业秘密。应征人应保证,如果其设计成果使用 或包含任何其他人的知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密,应征人已经获得权利人的合法、有效、 充分的授权。应征人因侵犯他人知识产权或专有技术或商业秘密所引起的全部赔偿责任应由 应征人承担。

Participant shall ensure that the submitted planning proposal has not infringed upon and will not infringe upon IPR (including but not limited to copyright and patents) or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others within or outside the People’s Republic of China. Participant shall

guarantee that if his planning proposal uses or includes IPR or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others, Participant shall have already obtained legitimate, valid and sufficient authorization from the right holders. Participantshall take all liabilities arising from infringement by the Participant upon IPR or proprietary technologies or trade secrets of others.

1.3 在征集过程中征集单位提供的基础资料的知识产权属征集单位所有。应征人仅可以将上述文件用于编制《应征文件》之目的。未经征集单位书面许可,应征人不得将上述文件用于其他咨询设计或其他目的,也不得将上述文件泄露给任何第三方。 The IPRs of the basic information provided by the Host and Organizer during the solicitation process belong to the Host and Organizer. Participants can only use the documents aforementioned for the purpose of designing and compiling the PROPOSAL. Without written consent from the Host and Organizer, Participants shall not use the documents aforementioned for other consulting design or other purposes, and shall not disclose the documents aforementioned to any third Party. 1.4 本次方案征集中接收的所有有效的应征成果均不退回。

All valid consulting result received in this solicitation will not be returned.

2. 适用法律/Governing Laws


The solicitation per se and any documents relating thereto shall be governed only by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.

3. 语言/Languages


The language used in the PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS shall be Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy between Chinese and English, Chinese shall prevail. APPLICATION DOCUMENTS for Prequalification and the correspondence and documents related to this solicitation between Participants and the Host and Organizershall all be drafted in Chinese. Another language can be used for the proof documents and printed materials that Participants provide along with the APPLICATION DOCUMENTS, but the version with Chinese translationshall be attached thereto.

4. 解释权/Right of Interpretation


The final right of interpretation of the solicitation and related documents is held by the Host and Organizer
