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全国 招标预告 2024年07月02日

Announcement for Bids


To All Bi(略)

From Te(略)

Tender Title: The Civil Works of Pipeline
Tender Number: ENK-PB-AKK-SUB-2024-0001-01

Dear Sirs,

Brentex CPP Limited (here(略)re(略)to as “BRENTEXCPP” or “BLC”) is cu(略)awarded the project EPCC OF 40” X 614KM AJAOKUTA TO KADUNA TO KANO (AKK) GAS PIPELINE PROJECT (SEGMENT 2). The project Owner is Nigerian Na(略)Petroleum Cor(略)(hereinafter referred to as “NNPC”). He(略)BRENTEXCPP is pleased to invite your co(略) to submit a sealed Bid for The Civil Works of Pipeline.

Enlink Energy FZE, the te(略)agent, hereby releases the Bidding Announcement, inviting interested bidders to participate in the bi(略).
Your Bid submission shall be strictly in accordance with the following attached Tendering documents:
Attachment 1 Acknowledge and Confirmation Letter
Attachment 2 Technical Pr(略)
Attachment 3.1 Ge(略) Preamble
Attachment 3.2 BOQ and Commercial Proposal
Attachment 4 Drawings and Specification Document

All costs incurred in preparing and submitting your Bid including presen(略)and site visits (if re(略)) shall be solely at your own expense and will not be reimbursed by BRENTEXCPP under any circ(略).

Furthermore, BRENTEX(略)shall not be responsible for any loss and/or delay in delivering your proposals. BRENTEXCPP reserves the right to reject any or all Bidders or select Bidder(s) of its choice without assigning any re(略). Your electronic bids should be submitted to the following encrypt email addresses:
Technical proposal: (略)
Encrypted Commercial proposal: (略)
Password: (略)
Bids shall be submitted no later than the closing time 9:00 AM (Abu Dhabi Time), 15th July 2024. Late bids will be rejected.
Please acknowledge receipt by advising via formal email of your interest to offer your proposal within two (2) days upon receipt of this invitation. Please see the details in:


1. Acknowledgment, clarifications, Technical and Commercial Proposal and other information about INIVITATION TO BID shall be sent to email address:
2. Electronic Bid in Attachment 2 3 technical and commercial proposal, the filled and signed or sealed TECHNICAL BID EVALUATION CRITERIA and COMMERCIAL EVALUATION CRITERIA in Attachment 5 BID EVALUATION CRITERIA are strictly required to submit to the following encrypted email ad(略):
Technical proposal:
Encrypted Commercial proposal:

(Those bids sent to other email address shall be rejected and de(略) as invalid.)

3. Bidder shall read these instructions to bidders carefully and submit proposal in st(略)complia(略)with the instruction co(略)herein. Failure of which shall render bidder’s pr(略)disqua(略) from further consideration.

4. Acquisition of Tendering Documents
Time of receiving the tendering documents: 9:00 AM on 3 July 2024 to 5:00 PM on 10 July 2024 (Abu Dhabi time, the same below).
Those who intends to participate in the bidding, please contact Ms. Zhao Jin to ob(略) the tendering documents.
Contact person: (略)
Tel: (略)
E-mail: (略)

5. Bid Opening
Time: 9:00 AM (Abu Dhabi Time), 15 July 2024;
Place: 50th Floor, Addax Office Tower, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE

6. The media of the announ(略)
This tender announcement is issued on: https://(略)com/.

7. Contacts
Tenderee: (略)
Contact person:(略)

Tendering Agent: (略)
Address: 50th Floor, Addax Office Tower, Al Reem Island, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Contact person: (略)
Tel : (略)
E-mail: (略)

8. Main Scope of Work of the Tender
The Bidder shall furnish, without limitation, all fac(略)tools, labor, supervision, technical and prof(略)services, material, equip(略)supplies and consumables including any other work required for the worked stated in BOQ, including Pipeline Trench Excava(略)Pipeline Trench Padding Backfilling in normal areas, minor Road Cr(略) etc., fabrication and installation of concrete slab and concrete collars. Details, please refer to the Attachment 3.2 BOQ.
9. Pipeline Construction Technical Requirements
The BIDDER shall perform all Works related to the preparation, execution and maintenance of the WORK, including, but not limited to:
a. Exact position determination of existing pipelines in parallel to the Pipeline;
b. Environmental and archaeological salvage operations;
c. Locating of services and installations;
d. Structures;
e. Unexploded ordinance;
f. Protection of trees;
h. Disposal of refuse and debris;
i. Temporary access roads to the ROW of KP399-KP502; and
j. Maintenance of the ROW.
The detailed provisions for the preparatory works and maintenance of the ROW are specified in document G791-ILF-AKPL-CO-SPC-0001 “Co(略)Speci(略) - Pipeline” and other applicable Project Specifications.
10. Qualification documents including but not limited to:
The BIDDER shall pr(略)Company License, Qualification Certification, List of Key Management and Team Pers(略)Experi(略)and Project References and Construction Execution Plan,etc. Refer to Att(略) 2 Technical Proposal for detailed requirements.

招标公告(略) AKK线路土建 二次招标.pdf