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广西防城港 全部类型 2024年08月17日





3、装货港:是拉差或林查班港, Thailand(要求泰国是最后装运港)

4、卸货港:休斯顿港口 City Dock码头卸货(从泰国直航休斯顿港口优先), 要求在目的港卸货必须支持 direct discharging

5、装卸条款:Liner Out (Liner out direct discharge to Truck)

6、船期要求:开始装船时间为 ****-****之间(最晚开船时间不能超过10月8日)。

7、集港要求:具备码头堆场协调能力, 开始集港时间为9月28日之前。


1、投标单除必须明确装卸条款及海运价格以外,且必须注明船期及航程计划,包括但不限于沿途停靠港口、预计停靠时间,目的港靠港码头信息等;并提供准确散货船相关信息, 包括但不限于船公司、船代信息。如投标时尚不能完全确认船名,允许在签订FN前在同一船公司内进行船名更换,但不得变更航程及装卸码头。签订FN后,不得变更船名。

2、 船舶资质要求:



c)拥有从装货港到卸货港的整个航程中有效的 ISM 证书。

d)获得 ISPS 认证,该认证在航程期间有效



- 自重、吃水;船舶全长LOA、船宽和净空高度

- 货舱/舱口数量和舱口/舱口尺寸

- 船级社/保赔协会/保险。仅限于 IACS 会员船舶。

- 船东和船代信息。







1) 中标人应按投标时所报船期及航程作为FN签订的船期及航程。除不可抗力外,原则上FN确定的船期及航程不得变动( ETA/ETD Thailand, ETA/ETD Houston在5个自然天内视为没有变动)。船期及航程变动视为违约。船到泰国港口装货日期、船离开泰国港口日期, 或船到休斯顿港口日期,其中任何一个时间点超过 5个自然天, 招标人有权对超出5个自然天的时间处以每天1000美金/天的违约金,违约金将在海运押金中扣除。

2) 在签订FN以后,未经招标人书面同意变更承运船只,视为违约。特殊情况下,中标人要变更船期或更改船名,须提前以邮件或书面形式告知我司,并取得邮件或书面同意后,方可执行变更。如无我司书面确认擅自变更,招标人有权视情节轻重对中标人处以3万美元以上的违约金,违约金将在海运押金中扣除。

3) 休斯顿靠港码头必须按招标要求明确显示在FN中, 如有变更必须取得招标人书面确认,否则视为违约,违约金为总海运费的10%,但不低于1万美元。违约金将在海运押金中扣除。


10、请于曼谷时间(UTC+7)****下午5时前报CFR FLT LINER OUT 价格、船信息。如您已经通过邮件投标,请重新通过微信公众号进行投标报价。


12、本招标公告内容以及中标后签订的Fixture Note都以中文文字为准,英文仅作参考。



陈珊珊 电子邮箱:****@bolypipe.com

Dear Sir or Madam,

Boly pipe shipping plan for the end of September 2024 is as follows, please submit your bidding and quotation through the WeChat official account by 5:00 pm Bangkok time (UTC+7) AUGUST 20 2024. If you have already bid by email, please re-submit the bid quotation through the WeChat official account.

Bidding content

Goods: seamless steel pipe (length 11.8-13 meters)

Volume: 8,500MT, +/-10%

Loading Port: Si Racha or Laem Chabang Port, Thailand(request that Thailand should be the last port to load cargos)

Destination port: City Dock at Houston Port , TX, USA.

1) Prefer direct voyage from Thailand to Houston;

2) Must support directly discharging at destination port.

Loading and unloading terms: Liner Out (Liner out direct discharge to Truck)

Shipping schedule requirements: The shipment layout date shall be between September 30, 2024 to 5 Octomber, 2024(The latest layout date cannot be later than October 8)

Requirements for port collection: Possess the coordination ability of the terminal yard, and the time to start port collection is before September 28, 2024 2. Bidding Instructions

In addition to specifying the loading and unloading terms and shipping price, the tender must also indicate the shipping schedule and voyage plan, including but not limited to the port of call along the way, the estimated time of call, and the information of the port of destination and wharf; and provide accurate information on the bulk carrier Relevant information, including but not limited to shipping company and shipping agency information. If the name of the ship cannot be fully confirmed at the time of bidding, it is allowed to change the name of the ship in the same shipping company before signing the FN, but the voyage and loading and unloading dock cannot be changed. After signing the FN, the name of the ship cannot be changed.

Vessel shall be qualified to the below requirements:

A) is not older than 15 years

B) is a member of a classification society of IACS

C) has an ISM certificate valid throughout the voyage from the Port of loading until the port of discharge.

D) is ISPS certified, which is valid for the duration of the voyage.

On nomination of vessel, full particulars to be given, including:

- Vessel name

- Former name (if any), flag, port of registry, year and month of build,

- Dead weight, draft; LOA, beam and air draft

- number of holds/hatches and hold/hatch sizes (hatch openings to be min 1 m longer than material to be loaded)

- Classification Society / P I Club / Insures.

The bidder has the right to increase or decrease the shipment quantity according to the actual production and stocking progress, but in principle, the increase or decrease quantity shall not exceed 20% of the bidding quantity.

The bidder fails to arrive at the port of Sriracha/LCB for loading on the date agreed by FN (the first day of Laycan), and the delayed loading time exceeds 5 natural days (delayed arrival), or fails to comply with FN If the bidder is notified by agreement or other means to leave the loading port, and the delay time exceeds 5 days (delayed departure), the bidder has the right to increase or decrease the shipment volume, but in principle the increase or decrease is within the range of 20%.

The bidder must confirm the draft bill of lading within 5 working days from the date of sailing, and sign to confirm the shipment .

The tenderer will evaluate the bid based on price, shipping schedule, and shipowner cooperation.

The winning bidder agrees that the deposit for shipping Chen Yun’s agreement is US$150,000 (which can be deducted from the shipping payment). In principle, the bidder will pay the remaining shipping payment except the shipping deposit within 25 working days from the date of sailing, and the winning bidder must submit the original bill of lading or telexed bill of lading to the bidding within 3 working days after receiving the shipping payment people. Within 10 working days after the ship arrives at the Houston wharf and completes unloading, the two parties will comprehensively evaluate the shipping, loading and unloading and other services, and complete the shipping settlement. The bidder will pay the remaining shipping deposit to the successful bidder within 3 working days from the date when both parties confirm the completion of the settlement after deducting the liquidated damages (if any).

Agreement on breach of contract:

1) The successful bidder shall use the shipping date and voyage ed by FN as the shipping date and voyage signed by FN. Except for force majeure, in principle, the schedule and voyage determined by FN shall not be changed (ETA/ETD Thailand, ETA/ETD Houston shall be considered as unchanged within 5 natural days). Changes in shipping schedules and voyages are considered a breach of contract. The date when the ship arrives at the port of Thailand for loading, the date when the ship leaves the port of Thailand, or the date when the ship arrives at the port of Houston, if any of the time points exceeds 5 natural days, the tenderer has the right to impose a penalty of USD 10,000 per day for the time exceeding 5 natural days The liquidated damages will be deducted from the shipping deposit.

2) After signing the FN, changing the carrier vessel without the written consent of the bidder is considered a breach of contract. Under special circumstances, if the successful bidder wants to change the shipping schedule or change the name of the ship, he must inform our company in advance by email or in writing, and the change can only be implemented after obtaining email or written consent. If there is no written confirmation from our company for unauthorized changes, the bidder has the right to impose a liquidated damages of more than US$30,000 on the winning bidder depending on the severity of the circumstances, and the liquidated damages will be deducted from the shipping deposit.

3) The port of Houston must be clearly agreed upon in the FN. If there is any change, it must be confirmed by the tenderer in writing, otherwise it will be deemed a breach of contract. The penalty for breach of contract is 10% of the total ocean freight, but not less than 10,000 US dollars. Liquidated damages will be deducted from the shipping deposit.

4) The awarded bidder must submit the original bill of lading or the original telexed bill of lading to the tenderer within 3 working days after receiving the shipping payment minus the shipping deposit. If the original bill of lading or telexed bill of lading cannot be submitted to the tenderer on time, it will be regarded as a breach of contract by the awarded bidder. All related losses caused by failure to submit the bill of lading in time will be borne by the successful bidder. At the same time, the tenderer has the right to impose penalties on the successful bidder for the delay time. Fines of $10,000 per day are imposed.

Please the CFR FLT price and ship information before 5:00 pm on AUGUST 23 2024, Bangkok time (UTC+7). If you have already bid by email, please re-submit the bid quotation through the WeChat public account.

All bidders participating in this tender are deemed to have agreed to all the terms covered by this tender. The awarded bidder must negotiate with the tenderer and sign the carriage agreement FN on the date of receiving the tenderer's email or other written notice. This bidding announcement is an attachment to the FN of the Carriage Agreement and has the same effect as the FN. If there is any inconsistency between the relevant terms of FN and the contents of this bidding announcement, the relevant contents of this bidding announcement shall prevail as the basis for execution.

The content of this bidding announcement is based on the Chinese version, and the English version is for reference only.

Boly Pipe (Thailand) Co., Ltd. reserves the right of final interpretation.

