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福建 全部类型 2024年09月23日
发布时间:**** 23:01:37
马来西亚巴生西港CT10-CT13泊位疏浚及吹填项目塑料排水板材料采购补遗说明一(No.1 Addendum Explanation)


No.1 Addendum Explanation for Procurement of PVD Material for CT10-CT13 Berth Dredging and Reclamation Project in West Port, Klang, Malaysia


All Tenderers:


Tender documents for the procurement of PVD Material for the CT10-CT13 berth dredging and reclamation project in West Port, Klang, Malaysia was effective on 21st September 2024. Further explanation is provided on the requirements for PVD materials, tender quotation requirements, language writing of tender documents, and method of tender price decision etc. The Addendum Explanation is as follows:

1、排水板材料必须达到设计要求及相应规范标准,应符合英国标准BS EN 15237:2007《特殊岩土工程实施--垂直排水》。详见招标文件第六章。

The materials must meet the design requirements and corresponding specifications and standards, and should comply with the British standard BS EN 15237:2007 "Execution of Special Geotechnical Works - Vertical Drainage". Please refer to Chapter 6 for details.

2、第六章-技术规格要求中,表6-2中列出“If (drain depth + 2 x fill height) > 25m but < 50m, pressure shall be 500kPa for straight drain and 350kPa for buckled drain.”,本次招标均按照该范围即“25m~50m”的对应参数考虑。

In Chapter 6- Technical Specification Requirements, Table 6-2 lists' If (draft depth+2 x fill height)>25m but<50m ', pressure shall be 500kPa for straight drain and 350kPa for buckled drain.”The tender is based on the corresponding parameters within this range of "25m~50m".


The tender price is in Malaysian Ringgit. Please refer to Clause 3.2 in Chapter 2 - Tender price for details.


The tender price is the total price of the materials upon arrival, including but not limited to material costs, sea and land transportation fees, material import and export related fees (customs clearance fees, port miscellaneous fees, tariffs, etc.), loading and unloading fees (including all loading and unloading fees from material production, transportation, unloading, and neat storage to the designated storage area of the Employer), transportation insurance fees, obtaining all necessary permits and approvals, material laboratory testing fees, storage warehouse fees, management fees, profits, regulatory fees, safety related fees, all taxes, all financial costs and risks, accelerating and executing material supply, and all other expenses for completing other responsibilities and obligations specified or not specified in the tender documents. During the material supply and delivery process, the unit price will not be adjusted. Please refer to Clause 3.2 in Chapter 2 - Tender price for details.


Tenderers shall submit materials for inspection in accordance with the technical specifications and testing requirements in Chapter 6 of this tender document, and the cost shall be included in the material unit price. The tenderers shall provide qualification certificates, performance certificates and other documents of the testing laboratory to the Employer and the Project Consultant to review and confirm. If the tenderers is unable to provide a testing laboratory that meets the requirements due to their own reasons, the Employer may search for a testing laboratory to conduct material testing, and the testing fees shall be deducted equally from the tenderers' certified amount and progress payment. Please refer to Clause 3.2 in Chapter 2 - Tender price for details.


Except for specialized terminology, all languages related to tender and tendering shall be in Chinese or English. When necessary, specialized terms should be accompanied by Chinese or English annotations. If there is any inconsistency between Chinese and English in this document, Chinese shall prevail. Please refer to Clause 1.8 in Chapter 2 - Language and Writing for details.


This tender is divided into 2 packages and evaluated based on the total price including tax. The final unit price for materials with consistent parameters and specifications in each package will remain the same, and the winning tenderer must accept the lowest tender unit price among the 2 packages. Please refer to Clause 6.2 in Chapter 2 - Tender decision Price for details.


China Communications Construction

Company (M) SDN BHD


23rd September 2024

补遗说明1(No.1 Addendum Explanation).pdf
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