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文山州中医医院利用德国促进贷款项目第 01 包健康养老区土建工程中标候选人公示

云南文山 全部类型 2024年10月12日
点击登录查看利用德国促进贷款项目第 01 包:健康养老区土建工程中标候选人公示 点击登录查看利用德国促进贷款项目第 01 包:健康养老区土建工程中标候选人公示 项目名称:点击登录查看利用德国促进贷款项目第 01 包:健康养老区****点击登录查看 招标代理:点击登录查看 一、评标情况 评标价格(欧元 投标总价 ) 序号 投标人名称 评标结果 (欧元) (扣除暂列金、 税金) 该投标人在商务和技术 湖南省沙坪建设有 方面实质上满足招标文 限公司和中诚投建 1 €16,980,076.49 €14,635,119.67 件要求且评标价格最 工集团有限公司联 低,评标委员会推荐其 合体 为中标人。 重庆对外建设(集 该投标人评标价格不为 2 €17,299,969.53 €14,928,799.52 团)有限公司 最低。 中铁十二局集团建 该投标人不符合投标人 3 筑安装工程有限公 €15,350,080.55 / 须知4.2要求,未通过 司 评审。 中建鸿腾建设集团 该投标人不符合投标人 有限公司和中铁十 4 €17,800,012.05 / 须知4.2要求,未通过 二局集团有限公司 评审。 联合体 二 、拟定中标人及预授予合同情况 湖南省沙坪建设有限公司和中诚投建工集团有限公司联 拟定中标人名称 合体 拟定授标价 €16,980,076.49(包含税金:€1,402,224.66) 工期 12个月 项目负责人 阳春明 姓名 一级建造师注册证书 (注册编号:湘****8213) 项目负责人 高级工程师 相关证书和编号 (证书编号:A****02433) 安全生产考核合格证书(B证) (编号:湘建安B****) 三 、提出异议的渠道和方式: 各 投标人或其他利害关系人如对以上公示结果存有异议,请在本项目公示期结束前,即自本结果发出起三(3)个日历日内 (至****午夜止),以书面形式(投标授权代表签字并加盖公章)将相关异议提交至业主单位和招标代理公司(联 系 方式如下)。 采购代理机构:点击登录查看 地址:北京市朝阳区东三环中路59号楼18F 1820 邮编:100022 联系人:张晨光 联系方式:86-10-****转525 电 子邮件:****@ck.citic.com 业 主:点击登录查看 地 址:云南省文山市****点击登录查看 点击登录查看 **** Announcement of Bid Evaluation Results of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Utilizing German Promotional Loan Package 01: Civil Works of Senior Care Area P roject Name: Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Utilizing German Promotional Loan Package 01: Civil Works of Senior Care Area B id No.: **** S election Method: Lowest Evaluated Bid Price Method N ame of the Employer :Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine P rocurement Agent: CITIC International Tendering Co., Ltd. I . Evaluation Situation: Evaluated Price NO. Name of the Bidder Total Bid Price (EUR) (Excludi Bid Evaluation Result (EURO) ng Provisional Sum&Tax) This bidder meets the The JV of Hunan commercial and Sunpeak technical requirements Construction Co., of the bidding 1 Ltd and China €16,980,076.49 €14,635,119.67 documents and its bid Credit Investment evaluation price ranks Construction Group the first. It is Co., Ltd recommended as the successful bidder Chongqing This bidder's evaluated International 2 €17,299,969.53 €14,928,799.52 price is not the Construction lowest. Corporation Building and The bidder did not Installing Engineer meet the 3 Co., Ltd. of China €15,350,080.55 / requirements of ITB 4.2 Railway 12th Bureau and did not pass the Group evaluation. The JV of China The bidder did not Jianhongteng meet the Construction Group 4 €17,800,012.05 / requirements of ITB 4.2 Co., Ltd.and China and did not pass the Railway 12th Bureau evaluation. Group Co., Ltd. I I.The Proposed Successful Bidder and Contract Award Information: Name of the Proposed China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. Successful Bidder Contract Award €16,980,076.49(including tax:€1,402,224.66) Price Duration of 12 months Construction Name of the Project Yang Chunming Manager Grade I Qualification Certificate of Registered Constructor (Registration ID: Xiang ****8213) Project manager Senior Engineer Certificate and Certificate No. (Certificate No.:A****02433) Safety Production Assessment Certificate (Certificate B) (ID: XJA B****) III.Channels and Methods for Raising Objections: If any bidder or other interested party has any objections to the above publicated results, please submit the r elevant objections in writing (signed by the authorized bid der’s representative and stamped with the official seal) to the Employer and Procurement Agent (contact information is as follows) before the end of the p ublication period of this evaluation result, i.e. within three (3) calendardays (until midnight on October 15, 2024) after the date of this result publication. Procurement Agent: CITIC International Tendering Co.,Ltd. Address: 1820, 18F, Building 59, East Third Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China Postcode:100022 C ontacts:Zhang Chenguang T el:86-10-****-525 E -mail:****@ck.citic.com E mployer: Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine A ddress:Zhenxing Road, Wenshan City, Yunnan Province, China C ontacts: Guo Shiwei CITIC International Tendering Co.,Ltd. October 12, 2024 招标人或其招标代理机构主要负责人(项目负责人):__________________(签名) 招标人或其招标代理机构:____________________(盖章)